Thanks to a blogger over at Splitsider, we now have further proof of Amy Poehler’s brilliance.

I wish the emoticons on my Droid would show up with Amy Poehler’s face after I punch them in instead of that little alien’s face.


April 16, 2011

When I was in 5th grade, I was a know-it-all.  Shocking I know.  But seriously, I was bossy and a bit of a brat.  Granted, even now I like to think that my bossy nature was endearing, but in all likelihood, it was just obnoxious.  My bossiness was well known, and one of my closest friends even bought me this t-shirt:

I believe that my bossy nature has toned down since 5th grade, but I was still very excited when I found out that Tina Fey had titled her first book Bossypants.  “It’s going to be like reading a book about my life,” I thought to myself, “if I was a highly successful forty-something comedian, writer, and TV star.”  And in some ways, I was right.  Tina Fey has maintained a very grounded sense of self that a lot of people can relate to, especially us bossy ones that know our bossiness is one-part determination to succeed and two-parts covering up the fear that everyone will see us for who we really are.

The book is funny and interesting and worth reading.  And maybe one day a friend will see a t-shirt with this picture on it and think it’s the perfect gift for me:


My First Banner Picture

April 14, 2011

This is a shot after Anna and I built a snowman.  I can only guess that my Dad would not let us quit half way through and Anna is pissed about it, despite the job well done.

I love this picture.  But I want to try to keep the blog looking seasonal, so I’m replacing it with this picture:

Anna and I rolling down a hill.  I remember thinking that this looks more fun than it actually is.  It actually hurts.

Li’l Sebastian

April 5, 2011

Parks and Recreation is maintaining its status as one of the greatest shows ever.  One of the greatest plot lines this season has been everyone’s obsession with a miniature horse named Li’l Sebastian.   And now you too can help find Li’l Sebastian:

Procrastinate and enjoy!